2023 Young Investigator Award - Open for applications October 1 - 15, 2022
Closed - No more applications are being accepted
Alcoholism and Stress: A Framework for Future Treatment Strategies is an international meeting dedicated to developing preventive strategies and pharmacotherapeutic remedies for stress- and alcohol-related biomedical phenomena. In large meetings, young investigators tend to be relegated to poster presentations. To counter this trend, our intent is to promote the work of young investigators by creating a special symposium highlighting their outstanding achievement in the field of addiction medicine and stress disorders. This is the first Young Investigator Award to be sponsored by NIH/NIAAA.
A young investigator is defined as someone who has had their Ph.D. and/or M.D. no more than 8 years and is currently active in the alcohol research field.
The applications consist of an abstract to present at the meeting and a current CV. These applications are reviewed by the conference organizers. The main criteria for selecting awardees is: 1) scientific merit of the submitted abstract, 2) previous publication record, 3) current work in the alcohol research field, and 4) potential for development and contribution to alcohol and stress research. Those judged to be of exceptional quality will be selected and allocated oral presentation time in a symposium. To be considered, please email the above information to: mroberto@scripps.edu with the Subject line: YOUNG INVESTIGATOR AWARD APPLICATION
Awardees will be notified and be invited to give a 15-min presentation during the Young Investigator Symposium on May 18, 2023. Awardees also will receive a waiver of the meeting registration fee as well as an official certificate of merit from the meeting organizers. Awardees will be notified by November 15, 2022.
Congratulations to 2017's Young Investigators:
Marvin Diaz, Ph.D., Binghampton University
Elizabeth Glover, Ph.D., Medical University of South Carolina
Carolina Haass-Koffler, Pharm.D., Brown University
Melissa A. Herman, Ph.D., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Kristen E. Pleil, Ph.D., Weill Cornell, Cornell University
Tiffany Wills, Ph.D., Louisiana State University School of Medicine
Congratulations to 2020's Young Investigators:
Jacqueline Barker, Ph.D., Drexel University, Philadelphia
Sean P. Farris, Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh
Luis Natividad, Ph.D., University of Texas, Austin
Florence Varodayan, Ph.D., Binghamton University, SUNY, Binghamton
Ryan Vetreno, Ph.D., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Congratulations to 2023's Young Investigators:
Elizabeth Goldfarb, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven Connecticut
Nikki Crowley, Penn State University, Pennsylvania
2023 NIH Travel Awards - Closed
Travel awards are available on a limited basis, only to those working in the U. S., will be between $800 and $1,300 and will be awarded based on need. The Award cannot pay for registration fees per NIH Guidelines.
2020/23 ABMRF Travel Awards - Closed
ABMRF the Alcohol Beverage Medical Research Foundation is offering 12 World Travel Awards.
Any Young Investigator worldwide is eligible.
Each grant will cover the cost of registration and / or travel to a maximum of $1,000.